Fiscal 2016 Subjects of Grants

Subjects of Grants


Amounts of  Grants

Picture (Link)

Three-year project to conserve a set of three mid-seventeenth-century Japanese scrolls (Tawara Toda monogatari emaki) from the collections of the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin, Ireland
(in progress)
Fionnuala Croke
Chester Beatty Library

Conservation of sculptures and other finds from a Buddhist site of Mes Aynak, Afghanistan
(in progress)
Masaaki Miyasako
Public Collaboration Center (Eurasia cultural exchange center)
Tokyo University of the Arts

Conservation of a pair of six-panel folding screens by Kano Ujinobu from the collections of Asian Art Museum, San Francisco, USA
(in progress)

Kathy Gillis
Head of Conservation
Asian Art Museum
Project of Specialty Materials for the Conservation of Japanese Paintings in the Collection of the Freer Gallery of Art, Washington DC, USA Andrew Hare
Supervisory Conservator
Freer Gallery of Art
Project for the conservation of the important Japanese Hanging scroll, Descent of the Amitabha Trinity(Amida Triad) in the collection of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, USA Stephen Bonadies
Senior Deputy Director of Conservation and Collections
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
Conservation of Thirteen Buddhist Deities in the collection of the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, USA Colin Mackenzie
Senior Curator of East Asian Art
The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
Collaborative Project for the Conservation of Japanese Paintings in the British Museum, London, UK
(in progress)
Tim Clark
Head of Japanese Collections
Department of Asia, British Museum
Conservation of the wall paintings from the Buddhist site of Fayaz-tepa, Uzbekistan Etsuko Kageyama
Associate Fellow
Nara National Institute for Cultural Properties
Conservation Project of Sambor Prei Kuk, Cambodia
(in progress)
Takeshi Nakagawa
Professor Emeritus
Waseda University
Conservation of artifacts from Phanom-Surin Shipwreck, Thailand
(in progress)
Sopit Panyakhan
Conservation Science Division Office of National Museums,The Fine Arts Department, Ministry of Culture, Thailand
Conservation of the Trenches on Kaman-Karehoyuk in Republic of Turkey
(in progress)
Sachihiro Omura
Japanese Institute of Anatolian Archaeology
The Middle Eastern Culture Center in Japan
Conservation and Restoration of Carved wooden doors in Vietnam National Museum of History
(in progress)
Nguyen Van Cuong
Vietnam National Museum of History
The Collaborative Project of Conservation of Namban Table from the Collection of Museum of King Jan V's Palace at Wilanow, Poland Pawel Jaskanis
Museum of King JanV's Palace

Grand Total 13 Subjects



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