Fiscal 2005 Subjects of Grants

Subjects of Grants


Amounts of  Grants

Picture (Link)

Restoration of Hanging Scroll of Acalanatha and Two Kumaras in the Collection of the Linen-Museum, Stuttgart, Germany Klaus J. Brandt
Chief Curator and Head
Dept. of Far Eastern Art


Restoration and Remounting of Ukiyoe Paintings Belonging to the Chiossone Museum of Japanese Art, Genova, Italy Donatella Failla
Museo D'Arte Giapponese "Edoardo Chiossone"


Restoration and Conservation Project of the Church of St. Nicolae in Balinesti, Romania
(in progress)
Riichi Miyake
Professor         Graduate School of Media and Governance
Keio University


Conservation Project of Sambor Prei Kuk, Cambodia
(in progress)
Takeshi Nakagawa
School of Science and Engineering
Waseda University


Restoration of Picture Scrolls of the Origin of Vaisravana in the Collection of the Museum of East Asian Art in Cologne, Germany Adele Schlombs
Museum of East Asian Art in Cologne


“Moonlit Bamboo Grove” Restoration Project, U.S.A.
(in progress)
Yukiko Shirahara
Curator of Asian Art
Seattle Art Museum


Restoration of Mural Painting in Burial Chamber of Idout, Egypt
(in progress)

Hiroshi Suita
Kansai University


Restoration and Conservation of Patan Palace Complex, Nepal Erich G. Teophile
Executive Director
Kathmandu Valley Preservation Trust (KVPT), USA


Preservation and Restoration of a Set of Three Hanging Scrolls of the Collection of the National Museum of East Asian Art Berlin, Germany Willibald Veit
National Museum of East Asian Art Berlin


Protection of Unearthed Cultural Relics from Xi-Huan Dynasty Sishui Kingdom Tombs, P. R. China
(in progress)

Xu Huping
Nanjing Museum


 Total 10 Subjects



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